Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel your appointment please do so more than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time to avoid a cancellation fee. If canceled within 24 hours, a fee of 50% of the appointment value will be charged. If canceled within 4 hours (or no-shows), clients will be charged the full 100% of the appointment value, as we are rarely able to fill the spot with such short notice.
Late Policy
If more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, we cannot guarantee full satisfaction with your results.
Make It Right Policy
If you don’t absolutely love your service at Avella Beauty, we will make it right. We want each woman to have the absolute best experience with their service. Should you not love your new lashes, organic airbrush tan, or sugaring for whatever reason, please contact us by phone within 5 days of your appointment and we will be happy to have a follow-up appointment with you, free of charge to resolve any issues.
Covid-19 Policy
Additional guests not receiving services will not be allowed in the studio. Please do not bring anyone else to your appointment. We cannot accommodate guests that don’t have appointments in our space at this time, including children and partners. If you’re running early to your appointment, please wait until 2-3 mins before your booked time to enter unless instructed otherwise – this will help to ensure we can practice social distancing in our waiting area. Clients must be healthy and not showing signs or symptoms of the virus. (Rescheduling due to illness will not be subject to the cancellation policy, however, no shows will continue to be processed in accordance with the current policy.) Clients are required to bring a mask to be worn in the facility to protect themselves and technicians on staff. Upon arrival, wash hands and prepare for the service. In between all guests, a medical-grade disinfection process will take place on all common surfaces as well as any materials or supplies touched between clients. Due to these additional precautions, a slight price increase will be in effect as of 5/8/2020.